Meet Our Team
Our dedicated team is based in Munich, and works closely with our local coordinators and partners on-site, in Tunisia.
Our dedicated team is based in Munich, and works closely with our local coordinators and partners on-site, in Tunisia.
Hasenberglstr. 45, 80935 München
+49 176 83 51 54 81
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We regularly post about the newest updates, partnerships and upcoming events. You’ll learn what the TunisAid team is up to, and who’s behind all those amazing work.
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> Jahresbericht und Mittelverwendung
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TunisAid - Aid for Tunisians with Disabilities e.V. ist beim Finanzamt München unter der Steuernummer 143/223/11495 als gemeinnützig und mildtätig anerkannt. Spenden können steuerlich geltend gemacht werden.